Cora E. Ezzell, Ph.D.

Areas of Expertise

Areas of specialty include anxiety disorders (including phobias, OCD, separation anxiety and generalized anxiety), depression, behavior problems, ADHD, PTSD and other reactions to traumatic events.                                   


Diagnostic Assessment 

The first 1 to 3 appointments will be spent determining what, if any, diagnoses may be accounting for you (or your child's) current difficulties. This process involves collecting relevant past and current medical, social, and educational/employment information.  The use of parent, self and other (e.g., teacher) standardized scales are used as appropriate and with appropriate consent. 



After completing the initial assessment, treatment options are discussed.  I strive to provide evidence based services, recommending those practices that have been deemed as effective via research.  Treatment options will be reviewed and discussed with each patient and treatment is tailored to each patient's individual needs. 


Behavior Management/Parent Training

A large part of my practice id dedicated to working with parents who have young children with behavior difficulties.